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Since October 2015 the Kreissparkasse Reutlingen uses Posalit on 3 Surface Pro 3 in their Cantina as a self-checkout to handle 300 employees twice a day for breakfast and lunch.
Thanks to the ease-of-use and reliability of Posalit, employees are able to check out and pay contactless with their girogo prepaid cards by them self very fast.
Medidermic is a franchise based premium medical beauty center. They use the Posalit solution since beginning of 2017 to manage their different locations and share inventory, customer data and prepaid cards across all locations.
Medidermic is so happy with Posalit, that they will distribute Posalit with their parent company teem4med.
Wellfairs is an international Trade Fair Organization. They represent 22 fairs in four branches in eight countries. With over 1.600 exhibitors and 170.000 visitors they reach a very broad community interested in their up-to-date topics.
With Posalit they sell thousands of tickets a day on up to 7 connected point of sale terminals and print the tickets directly onto the receipt to be scanned on the Wellfairs entrance system.
Mit Posalit haben wir seit Anfang 2017 eine intuitive und stylische Kassenlösung mit integriertem CRM und Kundenbindung.
Die Anbindung an die Online-Terminbuchung klappt auch prima.
With Posalit they sell thousands of tickets a day on up to 7 connected point of sale terminals and print the tickets directlyonto the receipt to be scanned on the Wellfairs entrance system.
Thanks to the relialable and easy-to-use point of sale Posalit, they are able to reduce waiting times and sell more tickets.